Friday, February 20, 2009

What Jesus Values

I've been reading the gospels alot lately. I'm wanting to know all I can about Jesus - who He is and what He did. In Luke 16:15, Jesus was in a confrontational mood. Pulling no punches, He said, "What is highly valued among men is detestable in God's sight." Clearly, He intends to radically change what we value. I'm left wondering, after all these years, how much of what I value God is either indifferent towards or directly opposed to.

So, trying to set aside all of my theology and prejudices, going only from what I've been reading of late, I've begun to make a list of what Jesus values. Many clearly overlap. Here's what I've got so far.

1. Loving God – which means being ever mindful of God, fiercely devoted to God, doing the right thing because we love God, etc.
2. Treating others the way we would want to be treated.
3. Mercy – a huge part of #2
4. Compassion.
5. Taking time for people.
6. Being faithful to your mission - to what's been entrusted to us.
7. Prayer – simple, prayer.
8. Honest confession.
9. Abiding with God.
10. Life without pretenses. No attempts to impress others.
11. Serving others.
12. Mercy.
13. Humility.
14. A pure heart.
15. Willingness to deny ourselves to do the right thing.
16. Trusting God – anxiety free living.
17. Did I mention mercy?

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